Strive. Execute. Advantage Toa.
Toa Consulting is a BC-based consulting firm founded in 2011, specializing in the sport, tourism and not-for-profit sectors.
Our purpose as an organization is to affect deep community impact and to be catalysts for positive change for future generations. We seek to create a shared space for co-design, collaboration, and inclusion with our clients, their communities, and their stakeholders, while supporting the rights and interests of Indigenous communities.

Sports - Sport activities, tournaments and events are a cornerstone of community. Whether you are assessing which events to target, bidding for an international multi-sport event or organizing a local charity fun run, our team brings passion, professionalism and experience to sport hosting success.

Tourism - Deeply rooted in history, tradition, food, arts and culture, tourism is a key economic driver for many regions. Toa Consulting is committed to supporting the continued growth of the industry, working in collaboration with key partners, government agencies, destination marketing organizations and local businesses on tourism strategy, accessible and inclusive tourism, and tourism resiliency.

Not-for-Profit - The environment within which not-for-profit and charity organizations operate is evolving at a rapid pace. Organizations are working hard to increase access to funding, while simultaneously improving impact, accountability, efficiency and ethical spending of funds. Our team is committed to bringing fresh perspective and helping every dollar invested go further.